Friday, April 15, 2011

Like a Vampire

Is it some misguided etiquette that a Vampire needs to be invited in your home before it can get at you?  I was just curious because that's how I feel with this blog.  I have it, was told I needed to have it by agents.  Now what to do with it.  I find myself ridicuously opening up during conversation with these sly hints or landmines that the other person is supposed to spring, thus thrusting our conversation to my blog.  I'm then to speak all about it and they're supposed to get curious, find it, and follow it.  Doesn't happen.  So, excluding the possibility of a glimmer (I don't think that's traditional lore), I'd be the skinniest vampire around.  But that seems vogue of late.  Skinny and pale and brooding and teenaged.  I'm none of these, ergo...I am not a vampire.  So...I need to be more boldly inviting myself inside.  I guess I'll get on that blood tastes like shit.

--Page bank.  Unless I get off this damned blog tonight, I'm going to be facing a full 6 quality pages tonight.  Today, last night, it was unavoidable and life got in the way.  No new work on The Indwelling, no slicing and dicing of Honor Thy Mother

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